Learning Disabilities
Types of Learning Disabilities:
- Dyslexia: Dyslexia affects reading and related language-based processing skills. It can lead to difficulties with reading fluency, decoding, comprehension, and recall.
- Dysgraphia: Dysgraphia impacts writing abilities. It can manifest as difficulties with spelling, poor handwriting, and trouble putting thoughts on paper.
- Dyscalculia: Dyscalculia affects a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. It can cause difficulties with number sense, memorization of arithmetic facts, and accurate or fluent calculation.
Criteria for Diagnosing Learning Disabilities:
- Significant Discrepancy: A notable difference between overall cognitive ability and academic achievement. This discrepancy is typically measured through intelligence tests and academic performance assessments. An individual may have the cognitive ability to succeed academically but shows lower-than-expected achievement in specific areas such as spelling, math, or reading.
- Processing Deficit: A deficit in the ability to process information, which affects learning. This can involve difficulties with visual memory, auditory processing, or other cognitive functions. Someone with weak visual memory may struggle to remember what they see, while another person with auditory processing issues may find it hard to distinguish similar sounds like ‘m’ and ‘n’.
- Impact on Academic Performance: The processing deficit must directly contribute to academic underachievement. The difficulty in processing information must negatively affect learning in specific academic areas. Trouble processing similar sounds can lead to difficulties in learning to read using phonics, directly contributing to reading underachievement.
- Exclusion of Other Factors: The underachievement cannot be primarily due to factors other than the processing deficit, such as intellectual disabilities, sensory impairments, or severe psychological disturbances. While a person with learning disabilities may also have other challenges like depression or low self-esteem, these must be secondary to the learning disability itself.
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